Ben has discovered in its recent health and wellbeing survey, 1 in 5 automotive people are struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living, with energy, petrol and food bills at an all-time high.
Money is often an awkward subject that can lead to stress, feelings of anxiety, can cause arguments, or make you feel embarrassed when you need to ask for help. Talking about what you earn, or discussing debt is extremely personal and not something we are generally comfortable with sharing – even with our nearest and dearest it can be challenging.
But money worries impact hugely on our quality of life. Whether we have enough of it and don’t know how to use it wisely, or we’re barely scraping by and need our money to go further and last longer. In any situation it pays to have some sound advice from someone impartial who understands how to better manage money – particularly as the financial landscape of the country is currently so changeable and uncertain.
One of the tools Ben offers to those seeking support is access to its free Life Coaching service. Ben’s specially-trained Life Coaches work closely with individuals to help them to better plan and budget, and devise strategies to improve their relationship with money.
Rachel Clift, Health & Wellbeing Director at Ben, said: “Our Life Coaching service is designed to empower people – to give them the tools and strategies to improve their lives and achieve their goals. It’s free, it’s confidential and it’s working. We are already seeing people benefiting from the service, taking control of things that have been challenging them, and moving their lives forward in a positive and confident way.
“We are inundated with calls at the moment from people who are struggling with the rising cost of living. There is no shame in asking for help. In fact, it is the most sensible thing to do – we have Life Coaches ready to help you to fix your finances and money worries, giving you a stronger foundation to build from in the future. Take the first step towards making a positive life change and get in touch today.”
Ben’s Life Coaching service is free for anyone who works, or has worked, in the automotive industry. You can sign up and get started today by calling its free and confidential helpline on 08081 311 333 and asking for ‘Life Coaching’ or by completing this online form.