In the penultimate part of this series, Bosch walks CVW through the ESI Ticket feature.
One really helpful feature of ESI Truck is the ESI Ticket. This is a link between you and the online Bosch ESI service team. An ESI Ticket can be used if you encounter a problem with a feature, think some information might be missing, or if some data looks rather odd.

For example, if following the troubleshooting steps didn’t solve the problem, then let Bosch know and it will review your information and its original instructions and hopefully find a fix for you. Just one small act by you will be beneficial for the thousands of ESI Truck users across the world!

Raising an ESI Ticket is pretty straightforward. If you do come across an issue, this will be when you are connected to the vehicle – do not disconnect the KTS before sending the ESI Ticket, the ticket will need to gather all the data it can from the vehicle to help the Bosch ESI service team.

When you select the ESI Ticket function from the main menu (Fig. 1), a new window opens which will allow you to add in all the required information (Fig. 2). If you have filled in the Company Data fields in the settings of ESI Truck, this will automatically populate the first section of the window.

Working your way through the rest of the form, inputting the data as you go, will build up a picture of the vehicle and your diagnostic process so far so that the Bosch ESI service team can understand the problem. The two fields under Description is where you can give as many details as possible to fully explain the issue and even suggest a solution.

The vehicle data will automatically be filled, as will the program and system tabs, and the attachments tab is where you can add any other information which you think might be helpful for the Bosch ESI service team – the more information it has, the better Bosch can understand the problem (Fig. 3, 4, 5 & 6).

You can preview the contents of the ESI Ticket before you send it and then you can send it off to the Bosch ESI service team. This team will review the ticket and if it is a known issue, you will get an answer fairly quickly but if more detailed investigation needs to be done, then your ticket will be sent to the ESI development team who will review it and provide feedback as quickly as possible.
In the next and final edition of KTS Truck made ESI, we will put everything we have shown you so far into action with a Complete diagnostic case study.