Brett Edkins, Technical Services Manager at Eclipse Diagnostics, runs through why technicians need to ensure they are buying the right diagnostic tool.
Before purchasing any piece of diagnostic equipment, a fleet or workshop needs to assess its needs. For example, if all your vehicles or those of your customers are from one manufacturer, a Jaltest Eclipse Testpad Extreme Pro single brand package may make the most sense. However, if you are servicing a number of brands and models, the Jaltest Eclipse Testpad Extreme Pro Full CV package is a better choice. Equally, if you are a main dealer workshop that is looking to increase revenue by attracting different brands from a wider audience, the same may be true.
Basic code readers can only provide the technician with very basic information which often fails to determine the real cause of a problem. Better suited to the modern workshops and importantly the modern vehicle are the more advanced ‘fault-to-fix’ products. The Jaltest Eclipse Testpad Extreme Pro package can fully diagnose the entire vehicle and importantly help the technician to move through the diagnostics to the repair.
The Eclipse package has you covered for trucks, coach/bus, trailers, agricultural equipment, and off-highway vehicles. In each category, a multitude of brands, including all the major manufacturers, are included ensuring the widest possible coverage.
Also important is a diagnostic tool that will work with the technician and is easy to use, taking the diagnosis down to component level when necessary and having all the required wiring and technical data that will help guide them through the process. The role of the diagnostic equipment is to help the workshop to improve productivity and revenue whilst also reducing vehicle downtime for the vehicle owner/operator. It is, therefore, a key component of the modern workshop.
Not being able to diagnose the vehicle quickly and easily or being able to find the real problem is one of the consequences of choosing the wrong diagnostic tool. All diagnostic tools will read codes and live data, however, the Eclipse Testpad Extreme Pro package goes far beyond the basic functions of basic code readers.
Beyond the tool
Whilst it’s important to look at the tool itself, fleet operators and workshops need to look beyond the hardware and software. Just having the right tool is not even close to good enough anymore. Workshops need someone they can call when, for example, they have ten codes and are unsure where to start, or if they can’t get the tool to connect to the vehicle, or even if they are on a roadside recovery – away from their base – and in need of a guiding hand.
No matter how good the tool is, technicians need to be trained on the proper way to use it. The tools are more wide ranging and powerful than many realise, so training in the proper use is vital. Unfortunately, a lot of people think you just buy a tool, hit a button, and you’re done.
Looking after the customer
Eclipse has developed its business around the core philosophy of customer support from when the system is first purchased and throughout its life. That support begins with the software, which is updated three times a year to reflect new models and more information as it becomes available and continues with the Eclipse support services.
A range of features and services are available including a comprehensive training package which also includes full training programmes held at the Eclipse Training Centre as well as cover from the Technical Support Service. This cover includes Vehicle Technical Support and IT Technical Support which offer telephone and remote-access based assistance, manned by trained and experienced professionals and available to all users to answer questions and solve any vehicle or IT problems.
The Technical Support Service is a key part of the overall Eclipse package and, together with Jaltest and the Eclipse Testpad Extreme Pro, sets them apart from others.