Brett Edkins, Technical Manager at Eclipse Diagnostics, explains how to identify and correct an AdBlue fault on a DAF CF MX13 Euro VI.
About Eclipse Jaltest
Eclipse’s innovative Testpad Extreme Pro running Jaltest software helps many businesses to improve vehicle and machinery performance. There are more than 3,000 Eclipse Jaltest packages in use, covering a wide range of commercial vehicles at customer locations both in the UK and internationally.
The Eclipse Jaltest package has all the requirements to address the technological advances of today. This analysis of the AdBlue fault on a DAF CF MX13 Euro VI shows how the Eclipse Jaltest package is becoming the go-to diagnostic solution for the commercial vehicle industry.
Identifying faults on many modern commercial vehicles is increasingly difficult given the rising levels of technology employed by manufacturers across all aspects of the vehicles, including trailer units. This increasing technology embedded in vehicles means that companies are having to adopt increasingly sophisticated equipment to enable their technicians to maintain performance effectiveness in the workshops and when out on remote call-outs.
The problem
A DAF CF MX13 Euro VI has a diesel particulate fault (DPF) warning light on the dash and the vehicle is in derate (reduced power mode); because of this, it has been removed from service. There are many possibilities as to why the DPF lamp is illuminated, and we will need to investigate the anti-pollution system (EAS-3) using Jaltest diagnostics.
Initial assessment
The technician first carries out a diagnosis of the anti-pollution system (EAS-3) to check for any current or stored fault codes which could cause the DPF warning light to come on. There is one active fault which has been detected by the anti-pollution system: code P3804 – regeneration is requested for the DPF.
This fault code is caused when the soot level of the DPF has reached the maximum level for it to be able to carry out a selfregeneration, so it now requires a forced regeneration using the Jaltest diagnostics.
Jaltest analysis
Using the Jaltest diagnostics software, the technician checks the soot content on the DPF measurement within the anti-pollution system (EAS-3), and they check other measurements to ensure all sensors are giving accurate readings.
As you can see in the image, the soot content of the DPF is deemed too high and will, therefore, require a forced regeneration.
Carrying out regeneration of the DPF
A feature that makes Jaltest stand out from the rest is the ability to carry out the regeneration function on many different varieties of vehicle manufacturers. When carrying out the DPF forced regeneration, the Jaltest software will guide the user through the procedure, including how the vehicle needs to be set up (initial conditions) so it will carry out the regeneration in the most effective way. It also shows the user the live data during the process so you can see how much the soot level has come down.
Clearing down the fault
Once the forced regeneration has completed, the user will then be able to clear the fault code from the ECU memory, clear the warning light from the dash, and remove the vehicle from derate mode.
Using all the features available to the user within the Jaltest software, the technician was easily able to identify the fault, possible cause of the fault, and rectify it. Once solved, the user was able to validate the repair and clear down the fault with minimal downtime and expense.
Customer first
Eclipse has developed its business around the core philosophy of customer support from when the system is first purchased and throughout its life. That support begins with the software, which is updated three times a year to reflect new models and additional information as it becomes available, and continues with the Eclipse support services.
A range of features and services are available, including a comprehensive training package, which also includes full training programmes held at the Eclipse Training Centre and cover from the Technical Support Service.
The Vehicle and IT Technical Support Service is a key part of the overall Eclipse package and, together with Jaltest and the Eclipse Testpad Extreme Pro, sets the company apart from others.