FleetCheck has announced it will be providing software for free, to help members of the Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) who will now have to undergo a remote audit following the latest lockdown.
FORS has announced that all participants in the scheme who are due to be audited before the end of January, will have to undergo the process using either electronic evidence or by holding printed information up to a camera on a video-conferencing call.
Therefore, for FORS members not currently using FORS-FMS, FleetCheck will be making the usually charged for product, free to members for this period. Also, FORS Fleet Tools, for which there is no charge, has been enhanced with a Bronze FORS checklist.
Peter Golding, Managing Director at FleetCheck, said: “The aim is to support operators who will have to undergo remote audits during the next few months. Having the information formatted in a manner designed alongside FORS really does make the process simpler.”
FORS-FMS allows fleets to manage all of their vehicle and driver information in one place, while providing the tools needed to maintain FORS accreditation. FORS Fleet Tools consists of three online elements – a Fuel Tracker, a PCN Tracker and an Incident Tracker.
There is also an accompanying, fully integrated, FORS-FMS Mobile app for mobile devices, designed to make it easier for drivers to carry out routine vehicle inspections, including the capability to report defects and to expedite maintenance requirements.
Peter continued: “There are already something like 1,000 fleets using FORS Fleet Tools and 200 on FORS-FMS, so they have already been very widely adopted by FORS members and are well-proven in use.”