How to check and achieve compliance

How to check and achieve compliance
Photo Credit To zozzzzo/

Carlos Vicente, business development director, Eminox, offers clarification on Department for Transport data reporting changes and highlights the steps bus operators will need to take to ensure mandated telematics on vehicles achieve reporting compliance.

The monitoring of performance data regarding the tailpipe emissions of NOx has always been a requirement for the Clean Vehicle Retrofit Accreditation Scheme (CVRAS) for vehicles upgraded with selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems. However, after an amnesty whilst a study carried out by DfT on in-service performance via telematics was concluded, more stringent adherence to reporting criteria has been mandated by the Government. The change requires bus operators and owners to report data demonstrating in-service performance of NOx for all CVRAS accredited buses fitted with SCR retrofit solutions by Thursday 12th December 2024. Important to note is the NOx data reporting is now mandatory if you operate vehicles in Low Emission Zones that obligate Euro VI emissions, with potential fines being issued for non-compliance.

How to check compliance

Reassuringly, operators and vehicle owners can take simple steps to ascertain if a bus or truck has the telemetry activated, and if it is working correctly.

To ensure compliance operators should:

  • cross check their vehicles on the ‘No NOx’ and ‘Missing All Data’ government register to identify their vehicles, and if they are transmitting the necessary NOx data.
  • if required, take out a new annual telemetry subscription with their retrofit technology provider that can be monitored via the Energy Savings Trust (EST) for compliance
  • clarify if any vehicle on the list is no longer in operation. If not, EST and the relevant retrofit supplier should be notified to avoid fines
  • for vehicles still in operation, a check will be necessary to confirm that the onboard telematics system is in full working order before 12th December 2024 deadline. This will allow the correct data reporting to take place
  • ensure the telematics module and the necessary retrofitted exhaust components are working correctly so that NOx sensors are transmitting data via the telematics module.
  • arrange with their technology supplier for any necessary repairs required

If this cannot be fulfilled by the deadline of 12th December, EST should be contacted and a plan put forward to enable it to consider an extension for the vehicles.

Support available

For operators without dedicated fleet engineers, or for those who simply require support to work through the latest mandate, Eminox is on hand. We can provide servicing and diagnostic assistance, or operators are available via a telephone hotline to answer questions. Training is also available on how to comply and use the online CVRAS telematics portal. By drawing on expert knowledge, smaller fleet or single vehicle owner operators can be supported through the process to ensure the exhaust after-treatment systems are in full working order. Support for data reporting can commence in the necessary timescales, and maintenance advice can also be provided to ensure the vehicle remains compliant.

Operators are advised to check they have everything in place to enable reporting the necessary emissions data if they are not currently doing so, then take advantage of the assistance available from Eminox. If a vehicle that is in a compliance zone has not reported the necessary data for 30 days, EST will give an operator a further 30 days to meet the telematics reporting requirements. Without this, the CVRAS accreditation may be revoked, and daily entry charges will apply vehicles for operating in London’s ULEZ or other charging UK Clean Air Zones. Non-payment of entry charges will ultimately end in significant fines. Accreditation can be reinstated at a later date once complete telematics data is submitted.

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