Testing hydrogen fuel cells for commercial fleets

Testing hydrogen fuel cells for commercial fleets

A scheme to test the practicality of hydrogen fuel cells for commercial fleets is to be run by Hydrogen Vehicle Systems (HVS), the UK’s first hydrogen fuel cell truck OEM, and White Logistics.

The two companies have signed an agreement under which White Logistics will test hydrogen fuel cell HGVs on its 150-strong fleet, which includes more than 90 trucks.

The agreement means White Logistics can collaborate with HVS on all aspects of hydrogen electric vehicle technology, hydrogen infrastructure and refuelling equipment and share operational data that will ensure a successful trial introduction.

This would then put White Logistics in a favourable position to convert part of its fleet to these zero-emission HGVs once this trial is completed.

“White Logistics’ decarbonisation vision aligns perfectly with our own,” said John McLeister, chief commercial officer at HVS. “We are delighted to have the opportunity to work with Graeme and his team to integrate our hydrogen fuel cell HGVs into their vehicle fleet.”

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