Totalkare shares its latest offerings

Bringing tyre changing in house can benefit workshops of all sizes, allowing both financial and time savings without the reliance of outsourcing. Totalkare brings CVW up to speed with its latest offerings.
As workshop equipment experts we are always looking to expand our range of tyre changers for both heavy-duty and light commercial vehicles. We want to help established businesses maintain their service levels and profitability by providing everything that a commercial vehicle workshop might need for changing, repairing and inspecting tyres across the full breadth of commercial vehicles on the road.
With a varied range of products across both the heavy-duty and light commercial range, there is a changer to suit all pockets and workloads.. With specifications available to cover all types of tyre and wheel servicing, from entry level machines through to fully automatic setups, every vehicle can be catered for.
As the costs of maintenance and repair for dated machinery continue to rise, investment in the latest and safest equipment ensures a workshop is able to provide a continuous and seamless service.
For any workshop thinking of an upgrade Totalkare’s range includes 4-roller systems capable of dismounting and mounting a tyre in only 30 seconds, as well as super duty truck tyre changers where the operating dimensions of the clamping unit and head-tool carriage allow operation on a wide range of wheels. Whether the work requires lever type hydraulic distributors or pneumatically tilting columns for peak rigidity to prevent rim damage, the right product for the job is at hand.
The product range comprises:
This commercial tyre changer is capable of dismounting and mounting a tyre in only 30 seconds thanks to its unique design featuring adjustable arm positioning, a 4- roller system and bead breakers supported by two separately controlled arms.
With an extra-wide, heavy-duty frame this light commercial tyre changer is designed for high output garages, working on any wheel up to a maximum width of 15in.
This heavy duty truck tyre changer provides the ability to service a wide range of wheels, including supersingle, thanks to the operating dimensions of the clamping unit and head-tool carriage.
This automatic leverless tyre changer is ideal for cars and light commercial tyres. It works for wheel diameters up to 46in and rim diameters from 10 – 24in, with max width 15in.
This is a light commercial automatic tyre changer with double-acting bead breaker cylinder, designed to work on even low-profile and large-sized steel or alloy rims.
For workshop or roadside use, this mobile tyre changer uses hydraulic clamping and up/down movement with a standard roller for tube tyres.