r2c to Host Free Compliance Seminars

r2c to Host Free Compliance Seminars
Photo Credit To Adobestock/gajus

r2c Online has announced it will be hosting a series of free, industry-specific seminars with DVSA to share how operators and workshops can achieve best practice compliance in the digital space.

After the unprecedented success of its earned recognition seminars last year, r2c Online will be hosting six stand-alone events between October and March in Sheffield. These seminars will focus on easy and cost-saving compliance management best practices at a time where the DVSA has already begun its movement towards a new ‘digital standard’.

A DVSA representative will be presenting at each seminar, discussing their move towards a digital industry and how earned recognition plays a role in this, as well as providing insight on how they view best practice compliance in the digital space. They will also be on hand to answer any specific questions operators may have.

Fleet operators already on the earned recognition scheme will also be presenting on each date, sharing their digital journeys on how they have adapted and benefited from digital compliance management. Each event aims to educate delegates on how digital compliance and earned recognition is now easier to achieve through continual improvements to the scheme and the software solutions that support it.

The events will each have an industry-focus to allow guidance and tips for specific compliance issues faced in each sector, and one event will be entirely dedicated to how independent workshops and repairers can prosper by going digital.

r2c’s series of seminars kick off on Tuesday 23rd October for waste management operators, featuring guest presenter Phil Gudgeon from Cawleys Waste. Further dates include: Wednesday 7th November for independent repairers, Tuesday 27th November for transport and logistics operators, Wednesday 16th January for plant and construction operators, Wednesday 20th February for hire and leasing companies, and Tuesday 26th March for public sector operators.

Nick Walls, Managing Director at r2c Online, commented, “We were delighted with the feedback from our seminars last year, which attracted over 160 delegates over the two days. It highlighted that there is a demand for events that provide information and live customer experiences for fleets and workshops. By holding separate, industry-specific events with the DVSA this year, we’re hoping to increase the value of these seminars even more and allow delegates to understand exactly what digital compliance best practice is now, and looks to be in the future.”

To book a place at these seminars, contact James Stuart on 0114 399 2430 or email info@r2conline.com

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