Offering an all-encompassing range of equipment for truck workshops, Bosch details its available products that aid a fast and accurate repair or service to get vehicles back on the road.
KTS made ESI
The Bosch commercial vehicle diagnostic solution KTS & ESI Truck is currently the subject of a 10-part series in CVW covering all the basic and in-depth diagnostic functions on offer. Whilst ESI Truck will read fault codes, it will also provide the user with guided troubleshooting, wiring diagrams, maintenance information and much more to provide a complete workshop solution.
The software covers trucks, buses, LCVs, trailers and even off-highway vehicles such as tractors, construction machinery and static engines. ESI Truck also offers a unique feature: the vehicle configurator.
This means that the user can “build” a selection of systems for diagnosis of a specific vehicle which may be a hybrid of chassis and engine systems from several manufacturers. This is particularly useful for bus diagnosis. These specific vehicle configurations can be saved into the software so that they are always available for quick and simple vehicle selection.
Cooling off
Air conditioning service units offered by Bosch achieve a refrigerant recovery rate of 99%. Accordingly, you not only save time and money but also improve the efficiency and service quality in your workshop, as well as being environmentally-friendly and conserving resources.
Bosch’s fully-automatic R1234yf and R134a service units meet the highest requirements on service units for air conditioning systems in commercial vehicles. A/C service units combine all maintenance functions in a single device.
The corresponding functions are easy for users to operate and manage. During the development of this system, easy maintenance was a top priority, thereby facilitating access to internal components.
Power to the people
The Bosch BAT 690 is a powerful battery charger for commercial vehicles supporting all battery types and with specific characteristics for WET, AGM, GEL EFB and LFP batteries. It also has a soft charging phase for deeply discharged batteries. The BAT 690 back-up mode can also be used to support a vehicle’s battery voltage during in-depth diagnosis while the ignition is on for a prolonged period of time.
Diagnosing the issue
The FSA 500 is a comfortable solution for sophisticated diagnosis on commercial vehicles. The handy and battery-operated measurement module can be connected to the computer via Bluetooth and integrated with ESI Truck. It includes approximately 30 pre-set component test routines to test all important electrical and electronic components without unnecessary component removal.
Many practical equipment details and the comprehensive sensor range make it a safe investment for the future. The ease of use supports a beginner in system analysis while the seasoned diagnostic professional will appreciate the advanced functions, high performance, system integration and expansion feature.
Spare parts
Bosch also offer a wide range of spare parts for commercial vehicles: from wiper blades to starters and alternators and from diesel injection systems to bulbs. The high quality standards which Bosch is known for apply to every product, ensuring commercial vehicle workshops can rely on Bosch for every aspect of their diagnosis, maintenance and repair processes.