As the temperatures drop and the light fades, attention to maintenance basics becomes more crucial. Draper Tools runs through a few of the tasks not to be overlooked, no matter how simple.
The winter is a key time for maintenance, with temperatures dropping and driving conditions getting worse, it’s vital to prepare for the challenges the season brings. A few straightforward checks, together with having the right tools on hand, can significantly reduce the risks the season brings. It’s equally important to consider the conditions in the workshop during winter and plan ahead with the necessary equipment.
Well-lit working conditions
Seeing clearly when working on a vehicle, especially in enclosed spaces, is not always easy at the best of times but with it getting dark so early in winter, having plenty of additional sources of light in the workshop is essential. Torches are great but for hands free working why not opt for an LED headtorch or an inspection lamp with magnetic base? Rechargeable chip-on-board (COB) LED head torches will run hours after charging via a micro-USB cable, making it a great option for winter working. Getting some portable LED work lamps in can also make a huge difference if seeking to boost workshop lighting levels.
Keep warm and carry on
In bigger sheds or where doors are left open continuously for come-and-go reasons, internal temperatures can be as low as those outside. First is to layer up, using multiple thin layers rather than a few thicker ones – it is easier to take stuff off than put it on if overheating. Cotton is pants in the cold, so look for thermal base layers and, if minted, go for merino. Furthermore, it might sound simple, but having the right gloves for the job can really make difference to winter working. Invest in some heavy-duty thermals to keep your hands warm during pre-drive vehicle inspections and during deliveries. It’s also a good idea to choose gloves with a latex coating to aid grip when everything is soaking wet.
It’s hard enough for drivers to see in winter, with the poor weather conditions and the darkness, so it’s especially important to keep lights and windscreens clean and clear at this time of year and inside-and-out windscreen cleaning should be an automatic courtesy. Anti-freeze is obviously a must, and wiper blades should be in tip-top nick too.
Winter puts additional load on vehicle batteries with cold starts, so keeping some suitable booster cables handy is necessary. Look for booster cables that are up to the job, such as Draper Tools 6.5M Heavy Duty Booster Cables, made from 50mmÇ pure copper cables, insulated with high quality TPE, which makes them ultra-flexible at the extreme low temperatures you’ll see this year.
For those times when a vehicle really won’t start you need a big boost from a battery starter, capable of an 800 amp boost as a minimum. For maximum safety and efficiency in the workshop look out for models with a fast-charging facility, terminal overload protection and polarity protection.
Identify faults fast
Winter can play havoc with vehicle electrics, which can create additional workload at this busy time of year. It’s always advisable to have a quality auto-ranging multimeter on hand, so the next time there’s a lot of head scratching of the ‘is it the bulb, is it the fuse, is it the earth?’ kind, you can find out with speed and accuracy.
Top tips:
- All the basic checks are absolutely essential at this time of year – be sure to check the lights, oil levels and coolant levels before any vehicle leaves the workshop
- It’s widely acknowledged that tyre condition can really affect vehicle performance, so tyre care is especially important in winter. Tyre pressure should be checked more regularly in winter as cold weather can see tyre pressure dropping. And don’t forget to check the wheel nuts.
- Use an anti-freeze tester to check the anti-freeze is correct and check the entire cooling system for leaks and other issues.