CVW learns about the new launches from IRT for the busy paint shop, where the focus is very much on speed and energy saving.
With energy costs having gone through the roof, the launch of IRT’s ICure is appropriate. The company claims that the ICure cuts energy use and reduces process time in paint shops considerably. The unit is a robotic, compact and automated rail dryer that handily retrofits to most spray booths and prep zones. With infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) curing in one unit, paint shops can reduce both energy spend and time per vehicle.
ICure includes robotic travel and automated curing along a side or short end of the vehicle. It can also be moved manually through the whole rail system and offers pre-programmed and customised curing alternatives. It comes equipped with a new robotic cassette configuration with powerful 2000W UV lamps, in combination with IRT’s proven infrared lamps. This new combination cures all the latest products developed by the paint manufacturing industry, including UV clearcoats.
The compact design takes up very little space. It pulls out smoothly when needed and tucks back in a corner when it isn’t. The adjustable, user-friendly operator panel is easily reached. Reliable curing results are achieved in minutes and the vehicle is ready to move to the next step.
Better for the environment and for the operator
This new I-shaped robotic dryer is IRTs smallest, yet most complete booth and prep zone rail dryer. Drying and cooldown phases in the spray booth are carried out with just a fraction of energy spend and time is saved in the prep zone, compared to conventional drying methods. There’s no need to increase the temperature in the whole booth, nor any need to reduce the temperature back down to comfortable work environment after drying. The throughput efficiency in the paint shop can immediately be increased by several cycles per day. Energy is saved and the work environment improved.
“Bringing IR and UV drying to your paint shop is always a win-win,” explains Linus Ekfeldt, IRT product company director. “Less energy spent and faster curing means it’s better for the environment and for profitability. ICure retrofits into most spray booths and prep zones, installed on rails with integrated cables for operational safety.”
Not surprisingly operator safety is a top priority, including compliance with UV safety regulations (Directive 2006/25/EC), to minimise the health and safety risk arising from artificial optical radiation.
Spot on
Not content with bringing the new ICure to market, IRT has also upgraded its curing lamps. Its pioneering ultraviolet (UV) curing lamp SpotCure has received a makeover and now brings three times the power to UV-activated spot repairs in paint shops.
The UV SpotCure2 allows for larger curing areas and shortens curing time, with a clear visual guide with multifunction timer display to improve process control. Downtime and fluctuation are addressed and minimised with new advanced software and overheating protection. With more light intensity over a bigger surface, UV-activated products cure in seconds with reliable result every time.
SpotCure2 features an ergonomic grip for user comfort and a lightweight stand for larger spot repairs. It is built to last with an overheating guard and filter clogging indicator. A new two-filter ventilation system keeps the UV lamp cool, with reduced risk of filter clogging. The corded tool is even equipped with a step-by-step easy to replace power cord, should it be subjected to excessive wear and tear. SpotCure2 joins IRT´s market leading range of battery powered and corded handheld UV-LED machines for spot repair.
“Our bestselling UV-LED curing range expands with this power-packed unit. We have taken user comfort and curing reliability to a new level,” says Ekfeldt. “We are ticking all the boxes; short curing time, large curing area and best all-round ergonomics with the unique design and stand option. An unbeatable combination of power and curing size.”
All IRT UV dryers are third-party tested and classified in accordance with EN62471, by SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden (RISE). This includes calculation of the safety radiation level per working day at different distances for UV lamps.
By way of conclusion the company believes vehicle repair and paint shops are facing constant time-saving challenges, which can be met by introducing UV curing to the process. Its solution is to increase throughput while maintaining a healthy environment. IRT´s product development traditionally works in tandem with paint manufacturer developments and the day-today needs of users.