Binswood Media has announced that the ITT Hub launch event that was due to take place at Farnborough International Conference & Exhibition Centre on the 13 and 14 May 2020 has been postponed.
With the UK now in the delay phase of its response to the Covid-19 outbreak and the World Health Organisation declaring Coronavirus as a pandemic, the decision to postpone the event has been made in the best interests of exhibitors, visitors and staff, and is said to be fully supported by ITT Hub’s commercial and event partners.
The event organisers have said that the wellbeing and safety of all stakeholders is, and will always remain, an absolute priority. Binswood Media and its strategic partner FTA, together with its host venue Farnborough International Exhibition & Conference Centre, are said to remain fully committed to the ITT Hub concept.
The decision to postpone has reportedly been taken as early as possible in response to requests from partners and major exhibitors, whose evolving emergency measures to deal with the Covid-19 threat will preclude them from attending. Making the announcement at this stage will also enable stakeholders to avoid incurring additional costs in preparation for the show.
ITT Hub, along with the co-located FTA Future Logistics Conference, has been rescheduled to take place 12 & 13 May 2021 and further information about the event will be made available at www.itthub.co.uk in due course.
CEO of Binswood Media, Mark Griffin, said: “The decision to postpone the first edition of ITT Hub is one that has been made with great reluctance and a heavy heart. However, we are operating in exceptional and fast-moving circumstances and I have been in active dialogue with many of our key stakeholders in recent days. They firmly share my belief that it is in the best interests of all concerned to take decisive action now, so that everyone can plan accordingly, as well as focus on immediate priorities.
“In considering the options regarding the rescheduling of the event, we have looked at a number of factors such as likely length of Coronavirus-related impact, venue availability, the industry calendar and the seasonal dimension with it being both an outdoor and indoor event. We have concluded that putting ITT Hub back a full year to the dates already announced for the 2021 event is the best solution.”
He concluded: “By taking this approach in what are truly exceptional circumstances and with the continued positivity, support and commitment that has shaped our journey so far, we put ourselves in the best position possible to deliver the inaugural, forward thinking ITT Hub in 2021 which our industry can be proud of.”