Draper Tools offers its advice for the best possible winter prep and servicing in CV workshops.
The winter is a key time for commercial vehicle maintenance, with temperatures dropping and worsening driving conditions, it’s vital to prepare for the challenges the season brings. A few straightforward checks, together with having the right tools, can significantly reduce the risks that winter brings with it. It’s equally important to consider the conditions in the workshop during winter and plan ahead with the necessary equipment.
Boosting batteries
Winter puts additional load on vehicle batteries with cold starts, so keeping some suitable booster cables handy is a must. Look for booster cables that are up to the job, such as Draper Tools 6.5M Heavy Duty Booster Cables, made from 50mmÇ pure copper cables and insulated with high quality TPE, which makes them flexible at the extremely low temperatures we see at this time of year, every year.
For the times when a vehicle refuses to start, you need a big boost from a battery starter or charger. Commercial vehicle workshops need a heavyduty model capable of an 800 Amp boost. Draper Tools recommends its 12V/24V 800 Amp Battery/Starter Charger, which is fitted with a large, easy-to-read ammeter, fast charge facility, terminal overload protection, battery timer, and a polarity protection device as well as protective crocodile clips and trolley wheels for easy movement.
Improving winter vision
Clear visibility for drivers during the winter months is hard enough as it is, with the poor weather conditions and the darkness, so it’s especially important to keep lights and windscreens clean and clear at this time of year. When you have a vehicle in for a winter service, it’s a good idea to clean the windscreen inside and out, in order to offer best possible visibility for drivers. Don’t forget to add the correct anti-freeze additive into the vehicle’s screen wash, and check the condition of the windscreen wipers too. A top tool for windscreen cleaning in the commercial vehicle workshop is a squeegee or sponge with a telescopic handle to reach those high places with less effort.
Identify electrical faults fast
Winter can play havoc with vehicle electrics, which can create additional workload at this busy time of year. It’s advisable to have a quality auto-ranging multimeter as part of your servicing kit, so that the next time you’re stood in front of a vehicle wondering whether it’s the bulb, the fuse or the earth, you’re able find the answer with speed and accuracy.
Well-lit working conditions
Seeing clearly under the bonnet or underneath a vehicle is not always easy at the best of times but, with it getting dark so early in winter, having plenty of additional sources of light in the workshop is essential. Draper Tools offers a 3W Rechargeable COB LED Head Torch that runs for two hours after charging on a micro-USB cable, making it a great option for winter working.
Keep warm and carry on
It might sound simple, but having the right gloves for the job can really make a difference to winter working conditions. Invest in some heavy duty thermal ones to keep your hands warm during pre-drive vehicle inspections and during deliveries. It’s also a good idea to choose gloves with a latex coating to aid grip when everything is soaking wet.
Top tips
- All the basic checks are essential at this time of year – be sure to check the lights, oil levels, and coolant levels before any vehicle leaves the workshop.
- It’s widely acknowledged that tyre condition can really affect vehicle performance, so tyre care is especially important in winter. Tyre pressure should be checked more regularly in winter as cold weather can see tyre pressure reduce. Don’t forget to check the wheelnuts.
- Use an anti-freeze tester to check the anti-freeze is correct, and check the entire cooling system for leaks and other issues.