Knorr-Bremse discusses how its EconX remanufactured product range is a cost-effective, sustainable and reliable option for workshops.
Managing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is always an important factor in commercial vehicle maintenance. With advancing vehicle age and declining vehicle value, it becomes an even more important factor. This combination creates a market for alternative service products such as remanufactured, will-fit remanufactured and copy products, which are usually cheaper in purchase price than the original service new products.
However, with safety critical braking system products, customers not only want to have an inexpensive option, but also one that is reliable and safe. Reliable, because they do not want to have unexpected vehicle downtime, and safe, because safety should always be the key parameter in driving. An unreliable or unsafe product will ultimately result in more costs to the vehicle owner, either by premature breakdown of the recently changed product, problems with installation, or during driving if the product is not designed to provide full functionality, and potentially high costs related to severe malfunctioning. Sadly, these issues are heard of all too often.
It should make no difference how many miles a vehicle has already travelled; what is required is maximum driving performance, short downtime and the safest conditions, because this is the only way to keep a business competitive. With Knorr-Bremse’s industrially remanufactured EconX product portfolio for trucks, buses and trailers, the company claims to offer a solution for the economical repair of vehicles with a limited remaining service life. This is due to the fact that the lifetime expectancy of EconX products is tailored to the expected remaining service life of the vehicle; it’s shorter for service new products, as the main components come from used products (old core).
The company works to ensure that its industrially remanufactured EconX products have the same functionality as a service new product and are just as safe. The functionality of EconX components is ensured by specially developed remanufacturing processes that meet the standards the company sets for the OE products.
Before launching a new remanufactured product, Knorr-Bremse undertakes extensive studies and endurance tests to ensure functionality and safety. Its R&D team ensures that a technical product specification is designed for each new EconX product. Each component that is remanufactured must pass specifically designed tests and criteria before it is reused. Some EconX products are even assembled on the same assembly lines as service new products. Furthermore, each EconX product must pass the specifically designed end-of-line test by 100%.
Recently, Knorr-Bremse has added products that have been originally manufactured by other companies to its remanufactured EconX portfolio. With the company’s OE know-how, as well as experience in remanufacturing, Knorr-Bremse is able to transfer its knowledge to the remanufacturing of third-party products. The company claims that with EconX, customers will get a cost-effective product fitted to their needs whilst being able to trust that the product is reliably tested and safe.
Using Knorr-Bremse EconX products to repair vehicles that are ‘in their prime’ is not only cost-effective, but also a lot more sustainable. The remanufacturing of used products conserves resources, using significantly less energy than manufacturing comparable service new products and, consequently, generates lower emissions. In Life Cycle Assessments (LCA), the company has analysed and proven the ecological benefits of its remanufactured products. The results of this study have been verified by the independent institute, DEKRA. For example, the manufacturing of a remanufactured caliper saves around 44.9kg of CO₂ emissions, and instead of using 27.3kg of new material, only 2.9kg is needed for exchange parts that cannot be reconditioned (e.g. sealings, wear parts). All parts that cannot be reused are professionally recycled.
By choosing an EconX product, workshops can also benefit from the comprehensive Knorr-Bremse TruckServices service offerings, including technical training courses, special tools, online documentation and more besides.
EconX portfolio expansion
Knorr-Bremse’s Genuine Remanufactured EconX Brake Caliper portfolio now includes SN5 for MAN and Mercedes-Benz applications (see above).