TruTac has launched a brand-new driver app, making a wealth of additional features and functions available to operators and drivers alike.
Formerly known as TruChecks and now simply called the TruTac app, it has been completely overhauled and has enhanced capabilities which, in addition to the core vehicle walk around checking function, now include much closer integration with the company’s other software products. Those using TruTac’s other systems, such as TruAnalysis, TruTime, and TruDocuments Premium can now access all such systems directly though the app. In addition, the app can seamlessly send data from walk around checks straight through to the TruFleet system for ease of fleet maintenance planning and to minimise vehicle downtime.
It also features an improved user interface, including clearer notifications, a dedicated accident reporting system, an updated traffic reports page, and a new light and dark mode. The app is available on both Android and Apple platforms, which is rare within the transport industry, because many organisations provide apps solely for Android, due to the complexity of tailoring products for Apple systems.